
Uppfærðir skilmálar og persónuverndarstefna félagsins

Vakin er athygli á því að félagið hefur uppfært almenna skilmála sína sem og persónuverndarstefnu. Uppfærðir skilmálar taka gildi frá og með birtingu þessari og gilda um allan flutning, jafnvel þó svo að bókun hafi verið gerð áður.

Uppfærða skilmála má sjá hér

Almennir skilmálar Herjólfs ohf

Persónuverndastefnu félagsins má sjá hér

Persónuverndarstefna Herjólfs OHF

Þjóðhátíð 2024 sailing schedule

Herjólfur siglir skv. eftirfarandi áætlun yfir Verslunarmannahelgina 2024.

Fimmtudagur 1.ágúst 2024 og Þriðjudagur 6.ágúst

Vestmannaeyjar brottför: Landeyjahöfn brottför:
07:00 08:00
09:00 10:00
11:00 12:00
13:00 14:00
16:00 17:00
18:00 19:00
20:00 21:00
22:00 23:00

Föstudagur 2.ágúst 2024

Vestmannaeyjar brottför: Landeyjahöfn brottför:
07:00 08:00
08:50 10:00
10:50 13:00
13:50 15:00
15:50 17:00
17:50 19:00
19:50 21:00
21:50 23:00

Laugardagur 3.ágúst 2024

Vestmannaeyjar brottför: Landeyjahöfn brottför:
07:00 08:15
09:30 10:45
12:00 13:15
14:30 15:45
17:00 18:15

Sunnudagur 4.ágúst 2024

Vestmannaeyjar brottför: Landeyjahöfn brottför:
10:00 11:00
12:00 13.00
14:00 15:00
16:00 17:00

Mánudagur 5.ágúst 2024

Vestmannaeyjar brottför: Landeyjahöfn brottför:
08:00 08:50
10:00 10.50
13:00 10:50
15:00 13:50:
17:00 15:50
19:00 17:50
21:00 19:50
23:00 21:50

Ferry terminal

Herjólfur sails from Landeyjahöfn to Vestmannaeyjar which is located on the south of Iceland.

You can both drive to Landeyjahöfn by a regular car (no 4×4 car is needed) or you can take the bus, if you are travelling from Reykjavik, you can go from the Mjódd,bus terminal to Landeyjahöfn. For additional information regarding the bus schedule, please call +354 540 2700 or visit their website here

Parking is ofcourse free for our passengers in Landeyjahöfn harbour.

It is important that passengers arrive at the check-in no later than 30 minutes before the advertised time of departure. All tickets are scanned before boarding.

Five minutes prior to the departure, access to the ferry is closed.

location landeyjahöfn